Translations for private individuals and professionals
I’m translating for private individuals and companies, for instance from French or
English into
As a private individual, you might need a translation of your official documents, for instance your birth certificate, your marriage certificate, judgments in matters relating to marriage, divorce and child custody, degrees, curriculum vitae, cover letters, etc
It’s particularly useful if you’re moving abroad, studying abroad or want to purchase goods abroad.
As a professional you should be able to communicate quickly and easily in a foreign language with your clients and partners through contracts, judgments, patents, technical documents or any other text confidently knowing that a suitable vocabulary is used.
Then you’ll need a professional translator to enhance your credibility in your relations with your clients, suppliers or partners whether it’s business, legal or technical relations.
I’m here to get the message across.
My skills
Getting the message across means having a profound knowledge of the two languages, an understanding of the cultural codes in the two countries, having special technical skills both in the legal, medical or mechanical field, or when it comes to company organization or the education systems, etc.
This is my job.
A well-written document creates confidence.
It helps you win new customers, gain a place in a university or a company, or convincing an administration.
My skills
Language combinations for sworn translations:

Language combinations for non-sworn translations:

Professional secrecy and confidentiality assured
All documents entrusted to me will be treated with the strictest confidence.
Our business relationship is characterized by mutual trust and by the professional secrecy which is integrated in the profession of translator
Professional secrecy is an important part of my profession.
The privacy and confidentiality of your contents will be rigorously observed.
Translation of legal documents: contracts, agreements, company statutes, leases, powers, rules and regulations, trials, judgements, general terms of business, contract of employment, etc. All documents will be handled with the greatest confidentiality. Get a free quote for a translation of your legal documents, click here.
Translation of patents and documents about intellectual property: In light of my long experience in translating oil and gas-related and other technical patents, I would be pleased to translate your English or French patents into Norwegian. All documents will be handled with the greatest confidentiality. Get a free quote for a translation of your patent-related documents, click here.
Health-related translations: I carry out medical and pharmaceutical translation tasks for you or your company. That could be epicrisis, study protocols, clinical studies or trials, informed consents, marketing authorizations, analysis of results, technical arguments, specification sheets, product labels, instructions and user manuals for medical devices, marketing files, catalogues or nomenclatures, specifications, patent filings. All documents will be handled with the greatest confidentiality. Get a free quote for a translation of your health-related documents, click here.
Translations related to health, environment and safety: I carry out translations of standards for health, environment and safety, standards for manufacturing and environmental protection. Get a free quote for a translation of your environment-related documents, click here.
Translation of company audits: I carry out translations of your company audits, whether that’s financial documents, economic studies, financial analyses, investigations, annual reports, balance sheets, minutes of shareholders’ meetings, or even shareholders’ newsletters. Get a free quote for a translation of your company audit documents, click here.
Translations related to construction engineering: Translation of technical documents, translation of scientific documents, translation of user manuals, product sheets, installation and operating instructions, technical brochures, calls for tender, patents, training materials. Get a free quote for a translation of your construction engineering documents, click here.
Translation of documents in the field of mechanical engineering: Translation of user manuals, assembling instructions, plans and technical drawings, patents, training manuals. Get a free quote for a translation of your mechanical engineering documents, click here.
Translation of degrees: I translate your degrees and transcripts. These are of particular importance to you when you’re searching for a job or want to gain admission into a university. Get a free quote for the translation of your degrees, click here.